Thursday, May 19, 2016

Converse Advertisement

1. I chose to use a Converse shoe because I really like Converse and I think they're very stylistic and fun to wear. There are a lot of different styles and colours, which I think is cool because there are endless possibilities.
2. My 'big idea' was to take a simple shot of the shoe so that the product was simple and clear. With that, I wanted to create an interesting background to catch someone's eye. I think I achieved this by using the watercolour splatter for the background and a watercolour text of the product.
3. I used a muted rainbow color scheme for the background to bounce off of the neutral tones of the shoe. I used side lighting on the shoe to create a shadowed affect on the toe of the shoe.

Images Used:

Friday, May 13, 2016

Forced Perspective

1. I think the third one is the most believable because it looks like she's hanging onto the pole to try and prevent herself from being carried away. I think the angle helps make this shot seem believable.
2. I think the last one is the most interesting because there's a story behind it. A giant is giving me a piece of their cookie. I think this is the most interesting because it is very creative and a bit more out of the box than the other ones are.
3. I think one of the most difficult things was making the perspectives work to tell the story we wanted it to. I think it was also hard coming up with creative ideas that we didn't see in class in the examples.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Advertising Review

Advertisement #1 (good)

Advertisement #2 (bad)

Advertisement #3 (good)

Advertisement #4 (bad)

Advertisement #5 (bad)

Advertisement #6 (bad)

Advertisement #7 (good)

Advertisement #8 (good)

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Combining Text and Image

"Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away and
going away means forgetting..."
- Peter Pan

Still Life

DSLR Still Life in Colour

DSLR Still Life in Black & White

iPhone Still Life

1. My still life represents freedom and the ability that an airplane has in the air. They're free and above everything. They're able to see everything from a different perspective.
2. With my DSLR shots, I used direct lighting to achieve a glow on parts of the plane. With my iPhone shot, I used diffused lighting to get a more shadowed and dark shot.
3. I think with my iPhone shot, I could've created a better background for my shot to develop a sense of completeness in the image.