Friday, November 20, 2015


Ditch the face, and let the feet do the talking.

Crop in tight.

Rule of thirds.

Show something unique and representative of you.

Your choice, experiment with angles, light, and devices.


1. The last one is my favourite because it shows a lot about me without my face being in it. In this shot, I set my phone on the street with a 10 second timer and went and sat at a distance from it. I think it shows an interesting angle, while showing a little bit about myself.
2. For the third and last shot, I used my phone and a timer. For the third one I also used a phone attachment on a tripod.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Formal Portraits

skin and eye whitening

skin, eye whitening, and colour change

skin, teeth whitening, and eye whitening


1. My favourite portrait is the second one because I feel that her personality is really shown in that shot.
2. I think the easiest part of this process was taking the pictures and figuring out the perfect lighting.
3. I think the hardest part was editing her skin, eyes, and teeth because I didn't think that editing the pictures were necessary for the shots to look good at the end.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Five Different Portraits



subject's eye in center

subject in bottom left

subject in top right