Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Photo Scavenger Hunt

an ant looking at food;
figure to ground

a bird looking at the ground;

a three year old looking at a refrigerator or an adult;
leading lines

figure to ground

leading lines

someone who stands out in a crowd;
rule of thirds

a photo at 9am;
rule of thirds

a photo at noon;
figure to ground

a photo at 4pm;
leading lines

a building;

a part of a building;

a door knob or detail;
center dominant eye

something shiny;

a person with a busy background;
pattern & repetitions

a person with a plain background;
fill the frame

a photo at 6pm;

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Complimentary Colour Photo Art

Texture & Space




  1. I like the third texture image best because the wall's texturing really pops out in the photo. I also really like the background and how it gives another dimension to the photograph itself.
  2. I like the first space image best because the stair's railing and shadow of it gives a view to what's on the other side. I feel like this photo gives a unique sense of space, from the shadow and the space between the bars on stair's railing.

Friday, September 11, 2015


Primary Colours:

Secondary Colours:

Black & White:


  1. The colour image I like the best is the one of the orange flowers because the flower itself had many layers and shadows, which allows for the colour to be showcased in different depths naturally. I like the shadowing on the flower and how it shows different oranges throughout. I also really like the offsetting of the main flower that is being photographed
  2. Yes, I think my value shot shows a good grayscale range because there is a lot of different values within each of the skateboards, and together it creates a diversity between each range of gray. There is a lot of black and a lot of white and there is a lot of values in between throughout the entire image.

Friday, September 4, 2015

5/5 Post

Photos I Took:

Photos I Wish I Took:


  1. The thing I like best about my shots is the contrast between shadows and light in each image.
  2. My favourite shot is the first one I took of the trees because there are so many different layers of shadow and light to look at.
  3. I wish I could do more architectural imagery when shooting images.
  4. My favourite found shot is the third one of a New York street at night because it has a lot of shadowing, but also bits of light which gives it a level of interest for me to look at.